Most repeated Mcqs with answer keys of MDCAT/ETEA 2023

about 90 + Most repeated mcqs of MDCAT/ETEA 2023

Most repeated MCQS of MDCAT/ETEA 2023:

Following are the most repeated MCQS of biology, physics and chemistry from MDCAT/ETEA 2023. Must read and practice on it  before attempting the MDCAT/ETEA 2024. 

1. The unit of energy produced by food in the human body is called

(a) Watt

(b) DNA

(c) Calorie (Correct)

(d) Ampere


2. Proteins are made of

(a) Sugar

(b) Fatty acid

(c) Nucleic acid

(d) Amino acid (Correct)


3. Amount of water in mammalian blood is

(a) 99%

(b) 98%

(c) 90% (Correct)

(d) 92%


4. Which of the following Vitamin helps in clotting of blood?

(a) Vitamin B

(b) Vitamin A

(c) Vitamin D

(d) Vitamin K (Correct)

5. Which of the following vitamins are fat soluble?

(a) Vitamins A,B, C, D

(b) Vitamins A, D, E, K (Correct)

(c) Vitamins A, B, C, D

(d) None of these


6. Which of the following is not a source of Vitamin C?

(a) Potato

(b) Tomato

(c) Guava

(d) Milk (Correct)


7. Ozone is present in which of the following layers of atmosphere

(a) Troposphere and Thermosphere

(b) Troposphere and Stratosphere (Correct)

(c) Mesosphere

(d) Thermosphere


8. The study of relationship between organism and their environment is called

(a) Ecology (Correct)

(b) Oncology

(c) Lithology

(d) None of these


9. Most of the ozone in the atmosphere is concentrated in the

(a) Mesosphere

(b) Troposphere

(c) Stratosphere (Correct)

(d) Ionosphere


10. The most abundant element in Earth’s crust is

(a) Silicon

(b) Oxygen (Correct)

(c) Aluminum

(d) None of these


11. Which of the following vitamins is Water soluble?

(a) Vitamins B, E

(b) Vitamins A, B

(c) Vitamins C, D

(d) Vitamins B, C (Correct)


12. In railway tracks, a small gap is left between the rails

(a) To allow for the expansion during heat (Correct)

(b) To save the cost of metal

(c) To permit the shrinkage of metal


13. Friction can be reduced by changing over from

(a) Sliding to rolling (Correct)

(b) Rolling to sliding

(c) Potential energy to kinetic energy


14. A solid ball of metal has a spherical cavity inside it. If the ball is heated, the volume of the cavity will

(a) Increase

(b) Decrease (Correct)

(c) Remain unaffected


15. As we climb up the mountain, the atmospheric pressure will

(a) Decrease (Correct)

(b) Increase

(c) Remain the same

(d) None of these

16. Which of the following vitamin is produced in the body with the help of sunlight?

(a) Vitamin D (Correct)

(b) Vitamin E

(c) Vitamin K

(d) None of these


17. Vitamin ‘D’ prevents

(a) Tooth diseases

(b) Bone diseases (Correct)

(c) Eye diseases

(d) Skin diseases


18. Heart attack is caused due to

(a) Blood sugar

(b) Cholesterol (Correct)

(c) Blood protein

(d) Blood urea


19. Which of the following diseases has posed a serious threat the world over?

(a) Tumour

(b) Paralytic stroke

(c) AIDS (Correct)

(d) Tuberculosis


20. Which of the following disease is not water-borne?

(a) Cholera

(b) Influenza (Correct)

(c) Amoebiasis

(d) Typhoid


21. Typhoid and cholera are typical examples of

(a) Infection diseases

(b) Air-borne diseases

(c) Water-borne diseases (Correct)

(d) None of these


22. Who invented the hydrogen bomb?

(a) J. Robert Oppenheimer

(b) Albert Einstein

(c) Samuel Cohen (Correct)

(d) Edward Teller


23. Logarithm tables were invented by

(a) John Napier (Correct)

(b) John Doe

(c) John Harrison

(d) John Douglas


24. Who invented optical fibre?

(a) Samuel Cohen

(b) Narinder Kapany (Correct)

(c) Percy L. Spencer

(d) T. H. Maimah


25. Brass is an alloy of

(a) Copper and Tin

(b) Copper and Zinc (Correct)

(c) Copper and Nickel

(d) None of these


26. A transformer is used to

(a) Increase DC voltage

(b) Increase or decrease AC voltage (Correct)

(c) Decrease DC voltage

(d) None of these


27. Which of the following gases is used for purification of water?

(a) Oxygen

(b) Ammonia

(c) Chlorine (Correct)

(d) Neon


28. Pure gold is

(a) 17 carats

(b) 20 carats

(c) 24 carats (Correct)

(d) 36 carats


29. Which of the following is a gas?

(a) Thorium

(b) Plutonium

(c) Mercury

(d) Chlorine (Correct)


30. Which one of the following mixture of gases is required in gas welding?

(a) Oxygen and ethylene

(b) Oxygen and hydrogen

(c) Acetylene and oxygen (Correct)

(d) All of above


31. One horse power is equal to

(a) 736 watts

(b) 746 watts (Correct)

(c) 748 watts

(d) 796 watts


32. Heat from the sun is received by the earth through

(a) Conduction

(b) Convection

(c) Radiation (Correct)

(d) Condensation

33. As the temperature of ice rises, the ice melts and its density

(a) Decreases

(b) Constant

(c) Increases (Correct)

(d) All of above


34. A branch of science dealing with the study of fossils is called

(a) Parasitology 

(b) Palaeontology (Correct)

(c) Theology

(d) Radiology


35. The theory of inheritance of acquired characters was propounded by

(a) Charles Darwin

(b) Gregor Mendal (Correct)

(c) J.B. Lamarck

(d) Weismann


36. Which of the following was discovered by Ronald Ross?

(a) Cholera germs

(b) Malaria parasite (Correct)

(c) Jaundice germs

(d) None of these


37. Radioactivity was discovered by

(a) Henry Bequerel (Correct)

(b) Marie Curie

(c) Newton

(d) Einstein


38. The science of heavenly bodies is called

(a) Astrophysics

(b) Astronomy (Correct)

(c) Astroneuties

(d) Cosmology


39. Which of the following has no blood, but respires?

(a) Cockroach

(b) Earthworm

(c) Fish

(d) Hydra (Correct)


40. Which of the following is the basic characteristic of a living organism?

(a) Ability to move

(b) Ability to reproduce (Correct)

(c) Ability to eat

(d) Ability to breath


41. In which organ of the human body are the lymphocyte cells formed?

(a) Liver

(b) Long bone

(c) Pancreas

(d) Spleen (Correct)


42. What is stored in the gall bladder?

(a) Enzymes

(b) Bile (Correct)

(c) Urea

(d) Insulin


43. The study of structures and formation of rocks and minerals on other plants is called

(a) Cosmology

(b) Virology

(c) Astrogeology (Correct)

(d) Histology


44. Which vitamin canot store in human body?

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin C (Correct)

(c) Vitamin D

(d) Vitamin E


45. Deficiency of vitamin C causes

(a) Night-blindness

(b) Beri-Beri

(c) Scurvy (Correct)

(d) None of these


46. Which Vitamin is known as Ascorbic Acid?

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin K

(d) Vitamin C (Correct)


47. Deficiency of Vitamin C causes

(a) Tooth diseases (Correct)

(b) Bone diseases

(c) Eye diseases

(d) Skin diseases


48. All forms of energy that we use are ultimately transformed into

(a) Electrical energy

(b) Heat energy (Correct)

(c) Light energy

(d) Chemical energy


49. Water helps in the metabolism process in the presence of

(a) Amino acids

(b) Ribonucleic Acid

(c) Proteins

(d) Enzymes (Correct)


50. The proteins are made in the cells under the instructions of

(a) Genes (Correct)

(b) DNA

(c) RNA

(d) Ribosome


51. Which is an essential constituent of diet?

(a) Starch (Correct)

(b) Glucose

(c) Amino acid

(d) None of these


52. Deficiency of iron in human diet causes:

(a) Goitre

(b) Scurvy

(c) Anaemia (Correct)

(d) Rickets


53. Which of the following acids secreted internally, helps in digestion?

(a) Formalin

(b) Citric

(c) Hydrochloric (Correct)

(d) Acetic


54. After drinking contaminated water, you would be most apt to develop symptoms of

(a) Malaria 

(b)Typhoid fever (Correct)

(c) Yellow fever

(d) Formalin


55. Recording of brain waves from outer surface of head is called

(a) E.C.G.

(b) MRI

(c) C.T. scans

(d) E.E.G (Correct)


56. Which one of the following is an example of hereditary disease?

(a) AIDS

(b) Hemophilia (Correct)

(c) Syphilis

(d) Formalin


57. Hair, finger nails, hoofs etc. are all made of?

(a) Fat

(b) Vitamins

(c) Proteins (Correct)

(d) Iron


58. What type of infection is tuberculosis?

(a) Viral

(b) Bacterial (Correct)

(c) Fungal

(d) Parasitic


59. AIDS virus destroys the ____ system of the human body.

(a) Circulation

(b) Immune (Correct)

(c) Digestion

(d) Brain


60. Which sets of colour combinations is added in colour vision in TV?

(a) Red, green and blue (Correct)

(b) Orange, black and violet

(c) White, red and yellow


61. Water cannot be used to extinguish fire caused by an electric current because

(a) It may cause another short circuit (Correct)

(b) It may cause hydrolysis

(c) It may cause electrocution


62. Cloudy nights are warmer because

(a) Clouds prevent radiation of heat from ground to air (Correct)

(b) Of low atmospheric pressure

(c) Of the compact density of air


63. Food is cooked quickly in a pressure cooker because

(a) Boiling point of water is decreased

(b) Boiling point of water is increased (Correct)

(c) It absorbs heat quickly


64. The AIDS virus is called.

(a) A.I.B

(b) B.I.H

(c) H.I.V (Correct)

(d) V.I.H


65. Cataract is a disease which is due to

(a) A defect in the optic nerve

(b) Inflammation in the eye

(c) Opacity of cornea (Correct)

(d) Opacity of lens


66. In which form glucose is stored in the liver?

(a) Lactic acid

(b) Lactose

(c) Ribose

(d) Glycogen (Correct)


67. Mercury thermometer was invented by

(a) Galileo (Correct)

(b) Fahrenheit

(c) Newton

(d) Priestly


68. John Walker invented

(a) Safety match (Correct)

(b) Safety razor

(c) Safety pin

(d) Safety valve


69. Gun powder was invented by

(a) Roger Bacon (Correct)

(b) Alfred Nobel

(c) Albert Einstein

(d) Alexander Fleming


70. Who among the following does not have a chemical element named after him?

(a) Albert Einstein

(b) Enrico Fermi

(c) Isaac Newton (Correct)

(d) Mendeleev


71. In which country alcohol is used as fuel for vehicles

(a) U.S.A

(b) Brazil (Correct)

(c) Japan

(d) Germany


72. The device used for the measurement of current, voltage and resistance is

(a) AVO meter (Correct)

(b) Galvanometer

(c) Ammeter

(d) Ohmmeter


73. Silicon is a

(a) Semi-conductor (Correct)

(b) Insulator

(c) Superconductor

(d) Conductor


74. What is Penicillin?

(a) Vitamin

(b) Hormone

(c) Antibiotic (Correct)

(d) Analgesic


75. Liver produces?

(a) Hormones

(b) Bile (Correct)

(c) Enzymes

(d) HCl


76. Lack of ____ causes diabetes

(a) Sugar

(b) Insulin (Correct)

(c) Calcium

(d) Vitamins


77. Triple antigen vaccine is given to children to protect them against

(a) Polio

(b) Whooping cough (Correct)

(c) Tuberculosis

(d) Contagious diseases


78. Storage batteries commonly contain

(a) Copper

(b) Mercury

(c) Lead (Correct)

(d) Iron


79. Water is a universal solvent for what reactions.

(a) Physical

(b) Chemical

(c) Nuclear

(d) Biochemical (Correct)


80. The volume percentage of nitrogen in air is

(a) 60%

(b) 67%

(c) 74%

(d) 78% (Correct)


81. Air contains volume of carbon dioxide approximately;

(a) 3 %

(b) 33%

(c) 0.3 %

(d) 0.03% (Correct)


82. The gases which are used by divers as an artificial atmosphere are helium and;

(a) Nitrogen

(b) Oxygen (Correct)

(c) Neon

(d) None of these


83. Which of the following is involved in blood clotting?

(a) Sodium

(b) Magnesium

(c) Calcium (Correct)

(d) Potassium


84. Which of the following vitamins is essential for bone and teeth formation?

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B

(c) Vitamin C

(d) Vitamin D (Correct)


85. The richest source of vitamin D is:

(a) Cod liver oil (Correct)

(b) Spinach

(c) Milk

(d) Cheese


86. Which of the following vitamins is synthesized in the body by intestinal bacteria?

(a) Vitamin B1

(b) Vitamin B4

(c) Vitamin D

(d) Vitamin K (Correct)


87. The vitamin capable of formation of blood is

(a) Vitamin A

(b) Vitamin B (Correct)

(c) Vitamin C

(d) Vitamin D


88. Entomology is the science which deals with

(a) Plants

(b) Animals

(c) Insects (Correct)

(d) Chemicals


89. Which of the following is a mammal?

(a) Ostrich

(b) Crocodile

(c) Platypus (Correct)

(d) Duck


90. Respiratory centre is situated in:

(a) Cerebrum

(b) Cerebellum

(c) Medulla oblongata (Correct)

(d) Diencephalon


91. The normal temperature of the human body is:

(a) 90°F

(b) 98°F

(c) 98.6°F (Correct)

(d) 96.4°F


92. The total number of bones in human skull

(a) 28

(b) 42

(c) 22 (Correct)

(d) 37


93. In brain, the site for intelligence, memory and emotion is present in

(a) Cerebrum (Correct)

(b) Cerebellum

(c) Medulla

(d) Hypothalamus


94. The longest and the strongest bone in the human body is

(a) Tibia

(b) Pelvis

(c) Femur (Correct)

(d) Jaw

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