Road map for a Health care professional to learn Ai

Road map to A.i learning in health care

Introduction to artificial intelligence:

Before we talk about how can a health care professional get access to learn Ai and implement it in healthcare system, first we need to have quick overview on what is actually Artificial intelligence the Ai?

In recent years the artificial intelligence has become a very hot topic when it is brought in use through applications like chatGPT (most common), google Bard, copilot by Microsoft and recently by the Elon musk in his X app formerly known as twitter as Grok the Ai.

So all this about A.i. was started between 1940s-1950s, artificial intelligence basically means to give computer an artificial mind it is like when we are rising a kid we gradually and slowly telling him do this and don't do this and by the age of 18 he learned lots of things same as the case with computer we provide data to computer and let him learn new things.

But there is a bit difference between normal technology and A.i. for example normally we use Microsoft power point to create presentations but this can never be newer mean it will be the same application as it is for the whole life that's the normal technology  on the other hand A.i. get better when we are providing time to time for example the CCTV traffic camera on roads getting better as much as they are taking the data of the cars, that's what make if differ from normal technology.

A question arises here if A.i. is getting better with taking data then now a days everyone is using social media apps so:

Will the A.i surpass the human intelligence?

To answer this question first let's get to know about the two types of artificial intelligence
1. General A.i
     It works like human brain mean it can do everything like singing, writing etc.
2. Narrow A.i
    It can do one particular work like the tesla car A.i if its trained on USA roads it wouldn't work that much better on Pakistani roads.

Now you might have got the answer that the Ai we are using nowadays is narrow A.i which shows that although humans dont have computational powers that much but they can do lots of things which cant be done by the A.i. For example if there is an introduction of an application which can help you to predict the chances of cancer using the scans of a human, now this A.i based application can only do this task where as humans do many things rather than only predicting and diagnosing the cancer.

So this shows that A.i can never surpass the Human intelligence.

Ai in the health care system

There might have been this question in your mind that can a doctor, nurse, or any health care professional learn A.i and implement it in health care system?
Or might have this question in your minds that what we actually need to learn A.i what are the requirements what is the proper road map to learn A.i being a health care professional, as because being a medical student or health care professional its hard to leave our own field and jump to computational system and indeed it will be a bit hard!

A.i in health care system

What are the requirements for a health care professional to learn A.i?

In order to learn A.i you wouldn't have to jump out of your field if not this then what exactly we have to learn is it  computer languages coding?, deployment or servers configurations?

A.i learning don't need coding!

Let me clear your concept/myth that  learning of artificial intelligence isn't directly related with coding which is the most fear able thing for us as a medico as coding itself is a new world and to learn it we will have to get out of our field a little bit but thanks god we don't have to!
All we have to learn is just have a very basic concepts of A.i, machine learning, models training, data and these are the very basic concepts of A.i learning it don't need a technical background.
Will tell you later how and from where you can learn these basic things.

Don't switch your field!

A.i is a very powerful tool as we have discussed it earlier now to use this powerful tool in innovative manner you don't have to switch your field just understand the basic concepts and to understand these concepts many people switches their field that we are health care professionals and A.i is something related to computer sciences.

Building the basic concepts

First of all you need the basic technical knowledge/computer related, for example MS office, how to run and switch off computer, installing software's etc.

As we have already discuss that A.i grows with data mean the foundation for Artificial intelligence is the data and it work best when there is large amount of data available and that's why  you need to learn what's data in computer science? 
so to learn data you can do free courses on coursera by searching data science in coursera app.

After building concepts regarding the data now things will go a  bit technical one where you will need to learn a bit coding just very much basics of machine learning for example python which is very simple and easier than any other languages. And luckily you can learn it from coursera too here is the link learn python basics because through this you can use different algorithms to learn the insights and recognize patterns from the already provided data.

After building concepts of all these essential things you can then create your own prompts for anything related to healthcare and make thing easier for yourself for example if I want to make an application with help of A.i which can give me the ETT size by providing the patients weight and age then this application will provide you the size of ETT for that patients.

so that was all about Ai in health care system will keep you updated by the trends happening in use of Ai in health care system.

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  1. "Excited to see the integration of AI in healthcare, enhancing patient outcomes and streamlining clinical workflows!"

    "The future of healthcare is here! AI-driven innovations are revolutionizing the industry and improving lives.
