Top 5 Best apps every medical student must have

Top 5 Best  apps every medical student must have

Today we are going to talk about top best medical apps that every medical student must have including the allied health professionals , nursing and pharmacist, these apps wouldnt only help in your course content providing quizzes and mcqs which will prepare you for exams, but also have clinical points.

So lets discus all these apps 

1. Teach me series apps  

I put this series on first number because I myself a big fan of these apps they have maded three apps till now believe me I have never seen such a good medical apps series ever and the very best point in these apps is that everything here are offline and free except some things for which you have to pay but about 80% things are free of cost you can visit their website here, their series includes:

 A. Teach me anatomy 

Teach me anatomy was the first app I have installed this app includes almost all the topics of anatomy and best part is that every topic has it's own quiz, clinical points and every best things related to it fully offline, you can check the screenshots below.

B. Teach me surgery

The next app in this series we have is the teach me surgery, just like the teach me anatomy this app also includes all the things related to surgery, incluidng 3d pictures of the organs, quizes and much more as you can see below in the screenshots.

C. Teach me paediatrics

The next in this series is the teach me paediatrics, the features are same as of the above three  all related to paeds only but unfortunately they havent launched app yet for ios or android so you have to visit their website for now. you can visit their website by clicking here.

D. Teach me physiology 

The last app in this series is teach me physiology as unforutnaetly they havent added more apps but we are expecting much more and better apps from teach me series, you can check the screenshots of the teach me physiology below.

2. Anatomy learning 3d

The second app we are having is the anaotmy learning 3d, this also one of the best app among this list because it will help you to learn anatomy with ease, having lists of muscles origin and insertion, having each organ in 3d pictures, having every nerve, artery and veins, infact you can look for each and every system mean you can study anatomy systemically through this app, below you can check the screen shot.

3. Medscape

Among my faverite medical apps medscape is the one too, medscape is also one of the best app as it provide much knowledge about pharmacology, it can even show you the colors of the pills, it can help you to calculate different required dosages in icu, emergency or any where you want, it also provides video lectures, trending medical news, medical podcasts and much more. It is avaibale in both IOS and android, check the screenshots below.

4. Medicode

For me every medical student and health practitionars  should have medicode as it is one of the essential app not only for exams point of view to have thorough review of the algorithms but can help you in emergency situation. The medicode provides you the updated  algorithms of ACLS, BLS. PACLS, CPR and NRP. it is also having practice questions on these algorithms.

So that was all about the best top 5 medical apps every medical student must have, if you  have better apps than this please share the name in comment box thanks.

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