Mnemonic for pneumonia severity index (PSI)

Mnemonic for pneumonia severity index

Today we are going to share a very easy and best mnemonic to memorise the pneumonia severity index.The Pneumonia Severity Index is a useful tool for aiding clinical judgment, guiding appropriate management, and suggesting prognosis,Pneumonia severity index shows the severity of pneumonia and through this we can do management.

Pneumonia severity index mnemonic

So basically there are two words one is TRASH and second one is HEAR GAS through these two words you can easily memorize the pneumonia severity index as shown below.

T temperature ≤ 35°C or ≥ 40°C
R respiratory rate ≥ 30 breaths/min
A altered mental status
S systolic blood pressure < 90 mm Hg
H heart rate ≥ 125 beats/min

H hypoxia (Po2 < 60 mm Hg or saturation < 90% on room air)
E effusion
A anemia (hematocrit < 30%)
R renal: blood urea nitrogen > 29 mg/dL
G glucose > 250 mg/dL
A acidosis (pH < 7.35)
S sodium < 130 mmol/L

I hope this mnemonic has helped you in memorising this index if you have better mnemonic than this so please do share it here in the comment box and also share this with your mates thanks.

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