Parks community medicine mcqs pdf downlaod

parks community medicine mcqs

Following are some simple mcqs from parks community medicine  

1 Wt in kg is a

a discrete variable

b continuous variable

c nominal scale

d none

2 In India , death is to be registered within ------ days

a 3

b 7

c 11

d 14

3 A useful index to measure the lethality of an acute

infectious disease is

a attack rate

b incidence

c case fatality rate

d none of above

4 In an outbreak of cholera in a village of 2000

population, 20 cases have occurred and 5 died. Case

fatality rate is

a 1%

b 0.25%

c 5%

d 25%

5 All are true of standarised mortality ratio except a expressed as rate per year

b can be adjusted for age

c can be use for events other for death

d ratio of observed death to expected death

6 Incidence is difine as

a no. of cases existing in agiven population at agiven moment

b no. of existing in agiven period

c no. of casesnew occuring during a spesific period

d no. of old cases present during a spesific piriod in agiven


7 Secondary attack rate is calculated from

a minimum incubation period

b maximum IP

c average IP

d any of above

8 If a new drug is invented which prevent the mortality

from the diseases but does not affect the cure then

which of the following is true

a incidence will increase

b incidence will decrease

c prevalance will decrease

d prevalance will increase

9 In a stable situation

a incidence =prevalence +duration

b prevalence=incidence multiply duration

c incidence=prevalence multiply duration

d prevalence= incidence +duration

10 "CHERNOBYL" tragedy is an example of

a point sourse epidemic

b propagated epidemic

c modern epidemic

d continuous epidemic

11 Bhopal gas tegedy is example of

a slow epidemic

b continous epidemic

c point source epidemic

d propagated epidemic

12 Which is not an explanation for cyclic trend disease

a herd immunity variations

b envionmental conditions

c build up of susceptibles

d antigenic variations

13 The disese which is known as father of public health


a small pox

b rabis

c plague

d cholera

14 Case control study is used for study of

a common diseases

b uncommon diseases

c rare diseases

d unknown diseases

15 Study of person who had already contrected the

disease is called

a case control

b cohort study

c control cohort

d none

16 case control study useful for

a finding a rare case

b finding multiple risk factors

c finding incidence rate

d finding morbidity rate

17 All of following are advantages of case control study


a cheaper

b less time consuming

c possible to study many diseases

d less chances of bias

18 Relative risk can be obtained from

a case study

b cohort study

c case control study

d experimental study

19 Relative risk could show an assocition between

a smoking and lung cancer

b OCP and pregnancy

c efficacy of 2 drugs

d attitude and endemic goitre

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