Oxford text book of anesthesia pdf download

oxford text book of anesthesia pdf volume 1 and 2

 Oxford text book of anesthesia volume 1 and 2 pdf download

Hello medicos today we have uploaded the oxford text book of anesthesia all volumes  in pdf so you can download it easily, this book one of the best book i had ever read as it give you a good concept about pharmacology of anesthesia and also its having clinical points too.

check the download link at the end

Here is the content of oxford text of book of anesthesia 



Applied physiology in anaesthesia Jonathan G. Hardman

 1 Cardiac and vascular physiology  in anaesthetic practice page 3 

 2 Respiratory physiology in  anaesthetic practice 21

 3 Fluid and electrolyte physiology  in anaesthetic practice 49

 4 Gastrointestinal physiology in anaesthetic practice 59

 5 Kidney and acid– base physiology in anaesthetic practice 67

 6 Central nervous system physiology  in anaesthetic practice 81

 7 Neuromuscular physiology in  anaesthetic practice 105

 8 Neuroendocrine physiology in  anaesthetic practice 123

 9 Pain physiology in anaesthetic practice 135

 10 Immune system physiology in  anaesthetic practice 153

 11 The physiology of blood in  anaesthetic practice 165


Applied pharmacology in anaesthesia

 12 Drug distribution and elimination  in anaesthetic practice 191

 13 Mechanisms and determinants of  anaesthetic drug action 203

 14 Inhaled anaesthetics 211

 15 Intravenous anaesthetics 241

 16 Neuromuscular blockade and reversal 275

 17 Local anaesthetic agents 295

 18 Analgesics in anaesthetic practice 307

 19 Cardiovascular drugs in anaesthetic  practice 325

 20 Intravenous fluids in anaesthetic practice 341

 21 Drug interactions in anaesthetic practice 355

 22 Adverse drug reactions in anaesthesia 373


Physics, equipment, measurement, and hazards

 23 Physics in anaesthesia 389

 24 Equipment in anaesthesia 409

 25 Measurement and monitoring  in anaesthesia 437

 26 Assessment of the components of anaesthesia 445


Mathematics, statistics, and  evidence-based medicine

 27 Mathematical models and anaesthesia 465

 28 Presentation and handling of data, descriptive and inferential statistics 491

 29 Evidence-based medicine in anaesthesia 503

 30 Clinical trial designs in anaesthesia 513


The practice of anaesthesia

31 The history of anaesthesia 529

 32 The roles and responsibilities of  the anaesthesiologist 551

 33 Ethics, consent, benefit, and risk in anaesthetic practice 555

 34 Informatics and technology for anaesthesia 565

 35 Human factors and simulation in anaesthetic practice 579

 36 Safety and quality assurance in anaesthesia 595

 37 Teaching in anaesthesia 611

 38 Research in anaesthesia 619

 39 Outcomes of anaesthesia 631


Management of anaesthesia

 40 Preoperative assessment and optimization 657

 41 Choice and interpretation  of preoperative investigations 675

 42 Management of anaesthesia 689

43 Intraoperative monitoring 705

44 Hazards in anaesthetic practice: general  considerations, injury, and drugs 729

 45 Hazards in anaesthetic practice: body  systems and occupational hazards 749

 46 Post-surgical analgesia and acute pain management 773

 47 Post-surgery, post-anaesthesia complications 789




Procedures, techniques,  and therapies  

 48 The airway in anaesthetic practice 811

 49 Vascular access during anaesthesia 829

 50 Conscious sedation 845

 51 Blood conservation and transfusion in anaesthesia 853


Regional anaesthesia  

 52 General principles of regional anaesthesia 873

 53 Regional anaesthesia of the trunk 88

 54 Regional anaesthesia of the upper limb 899

 55 Regional anaesthesia of the lower limb 915


The conduct of anaesthesia by  surgical specialty  

 56 Anaesthesia for cardiac surgery 939

 57 Anaesthesia for thoracic surgery 963

 58 Anaesthesia for vascular surgery 985

 59 Anaesthesia for neurosurgery and  electroconvulsive therapy 1009

 60 Anaesthesia for ophthalmic surgery 1029

 61 Anaesthesia for abdominal surgery 1041

 62 Anaesthesia for urological surgery & for robotic surgery in urology and gynaecology 1057

 63 Anaesthesia for orthopaedic and trauma surgery 1071

 64 Anaesthesia for plastic surgery and burns 1091

 65 Anaesthesia for ENT, dental, and  maxillofacial surgery 1119

 66 Obstetric anaesthesia and analgesia 1139

 67 Anaesthesia for transplant surgery 1161

 68 Anaesthesia for day-stay surgery 1177


Paediatric anaesthesia  

 69 Anatomy, physiology, and pharmacology in paediatric anaesthesia 1191

 70 Neonatal anaesthesia 1223

 71 Anaesthesia for the infant and older child 1239

 72 Procedural sedation in children 1255

 73 Acute paediatric pain management 1265

 74 Resuscitation, stabilization, and transfer of sick and injured children 1277

 75 Ethics, consent, and safeguarding in paediatric anaesthesia 1295


The conduct of anaesthesia outside   the operating theatre  

 76 Pre-hospital care for the anaesthetist 1307

 77 Anaesthesia for medical imaging and  bronchoscopic procedures 1323

 78 Military anaesthesia 1331


Anaesthesia and concurrent disease  

 79 Endocrine disease and anaesthesia 1355

 80 Musculoskeletal disorders and anaesthesia 1375

 81 Central nervous system pathologies 

and anaesthesia 1389

 82 Pulmonary disease and anaesthesia 1405

 83 Heart disease and anaesthesia 1433

 84 Haematological and coagulation  disorders and anaesthesia 1451

 85 Hepatic and renal disease and anaesthesia 1469

 86 Anaesthesia in the elderly 1483

 87 Anaesthesia for the obese patient 1495


Critical care and the anaesthetist  

 88 Pre-surgical optimization of the  high-risk patient 1511

 89 Acute illness in the postoperative period 1521

 90 Transport of the critically ill patient 1537

 91 Advanced life support 1551


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