what is mental illness and types of mental illness ppt


what is mental illness and types of mental illness ppt download

Types of mental illness

By Kashif Karim
Khyber medical university

 Learning outcomes

• At the end of this lecture students will be able to learn;
• An introduction to mental illness
• Major and minor types of mental illness

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• Mental illness is characterized by alteration in:
• Thinking
• mood/emotions or
• Behavior associated with personal distress
• And/or functionally impaired

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• Mental and behavioral disorders are taken as clinically significant conditions
    i.e. CVS, HTN etc.
•   mental illness is a vast subject it is broad in its limit and difficult to define
• So they have been divided to major and minor illness

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Major illness

• They are called as psychoses
• Psychoses is a severe mental illness where a person contact of his fantasy is
  lost with reality
• Here the person is insane mean he is unable to think in a clear way
• There are three major illness:

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• SCHIZO mean ‘split’ and PHRENIA mean ‘mind’
• It refers to the splitting of mind but not to the personality splitting
• The person Is having fragmented pattern of thinking
• In simple words a person may give general answers in place of specific

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• Also called as bipolar disorder
• The person symptoms vary from height of extreme excitement to depth of
• The extreme symptoms includes the manic episodes which are at extreme
  level e.g patient can expand his all of money in a business
• They manic symptoms can also be at low level called as hypomania

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•   The condition in which a person is very suspicious and mistrust of other people or
    their actions
•   They have the tendency to interpret the actions or intentions of others as
•   As a result they are unable to tell their secrets to others because having trust issue
•   Even if people prove to be trustworthy but for fear of being betrayed they don’t
    share secrets

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Cant share personal info
Trouble in

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Minor illness

• The minor illness are of two types;
a) Neurosis or psychoneurosis
b) Personality and character disorders

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 Neurosis or psychoneurosis

• It is a functional personality disorder
• characterized by disturbing emotional symptoms such as morbid fears,
  obsessive thoughts, or depressive states
• Here the person isn’t considered insane as like psychosis

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 Personality and character disorders

• A personality disorder is a type of mental disorder in which you have a rigid
    and unhealthy pattern of thinking i.e. anxiety , functioning and behaving.
•   According to diagnostic and statistical manual for mental disorder there are
    about 10 personality disorders
• They are divided into three clusters
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• Cluster A named as weird
• Cluster B named as wild
• And cluster C named as worried

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• https://www.osmosis.org
• https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/personality-
• https://psychologydictionary.org/psychoneurosis/
• https://www.verywellmind.com
• Parks community medicine book

Frequently asked questions 

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