Mnemonic for Chronotorpy, Ionotropy, Bathmotropy, Dromotropy and Lusitropy

what is chronotropy, Ionotropy, Bathmotropy, Dromotropy and Lusitropy?

Chronotropy:   increase in the heart rate is known as chronotropy effect or chronotropy.

Ionotropy:  Increase in the contractility of the heart is known as Ionotropy.

Dromotropy: Shows the increased rate of conduction by AV node 

Bathmotropy:  Means increased in the excitability of the heart or we can say excitation of the heart muscles.

Lusitropy:  Its the increased relaxation of the heart.

Mnemonic for chronotropy, Ionotropy, Bathmotropy, Dromotropy and Lusitropy

watch this video if you still didnt got that 

As shown in the picture below the menmonic for the tropy words in cardiology is as under.

CHRONOTROPY: Here the HR shows the heart rate.

IONTROPY: Here the ION shows the Contractility as contractility is also have ION.

DROMOTROPY:   As  Dromotropy means conduction through Av node so here we will take conduction as running so in dromotropy we are having R and so in  RUN. Then in the RUN word there is N at the end and also N at the start of the Node.

BATHMOTROPY: Here the Bathmotropy mean excitability as we know after taking bath people feel excited and fresh so we can take bath as excitation.

LUSITROPY: Lusitropy means heart relaxation so here we are having L in LUSITROPY and as well as in RELAX.
Here is the picture form of this mnemonic 
Keywords: iv cannula, colour codes of iv cannulas, medical mnemonics 

mr medico blogs,Mnemonic for Chronotorpy, Ionotropy, Bathmotropy, Dromotropy and Lusitropy medicowesome, mnemonics simple nursing, medicowesmoe

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