Illustrated Mnemonic for the causes of macrocytic anemia


Today we are going to talk about the mnemonic for the causes of macrocytic anemia below you can check the illustrated mnemonic for the causes of the macrocytic anemia is like 


Let’s discuss what does these alphabets shows

A= shows the Alcoholism 

Mnemonic for causes of anemia

B= Shows the B12 deficiency 

mnemonic for causes of anemia

C= Shows the compensatory reticulocytosis 

mnemonic for causes of anemia

D= Shows  two things one for DRUGS (cytotoxic and anti HIV) and second for DYSPLASIA

mnemonic for causes of anemia


E= shows the Endocrine but here we will remember hypothyroidism 

mnemonic for causes of anemia

F= Shows two things also first shows the FOLATE deficiency and second it shows the FETUS but keeping fetus as a hint we will remember the pregnancy as sometime pregnancy causes the macrocytic anemia 

mnemonic for causes of anemia

Thanks for reading you can also download the pdf of this below 

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