Prokaryotes vs Eukaryotes

whats the difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes

Today we have  discussed the main differences between prokaryotes and eukaryotes which are shown here in tabulated form.
But before we goes into the difference between prokaryotes and eukaroytes first lets have an introduction to eukaryotes and prokaryotes, All living organisms on earth are composed of one or the other of two types of cells: prokaryotic cells and  eukaryotic cells based on differences in cellular organization and biochemistry.
  •  Prokaryotes: Bacteria and Archaea.
  •  Eukaryotes: Eucarya.


Prokaryotic cells (pro or primitive nucleus) do not have a membrane-bound nucleus. All 
bacteria and blue-green algae are prokaryotes. Bacteria are prokaryotic microorganisms and 
don’t contain chlorophyll but in contrast, bluegreen algae possess chlorophyll. They are unicellular and do not show true branching, except in the so called ‘higher bacteria’ (Actinomycetales).


Eukaryotic cells (eu or true nucleus), have a membrane-bound nucleus. Other algae  (excluding blue-green algae), fungi, slime moulds,  protozoa, higher plants, and animals are eukaryotic.

Three fundamental characteristics are often considered to distinguish prokaryotes from eukaryotes: 
  1. Small size
  2. Absence of a complex organelle containing cytoplasm and 
  3. The absence of a nuclear membrane 



Having true nucleus

Having no true nucleus

Multiple chromosomes here

Single chromosome here

Linear chromosomes

Circular chromosomes

Double stranded DNA

Double stranded DNA

They have histones proteins

No histones proteins

They have exons and introns

They have only Exons but no introns

*Nuclear membrane present here

*No nuclear membrane here

They have mitochondria

No mitochondria

They have nucleolus

No nucleolus

They have membrane bound organelles

No membrane bound organelles

Ribosome are of *80S  here

Ribosomes are of *70S

They have lysosomes

No lysosomes here

They have ER that’s why some ribosomes are free and some are bounded to ER

They have no ER that’s why ribosomes are free here

They have mono cistronic mRNA

They may be mono/poly cistronic mRNA

Division occurs through mitosis and meiosis

Division occurs through binary fission

E.g humans etc

E.g bacteria

  • the highlighted points are the similarities between pro and eukaryotes
  • the red  steric shows that when the nuclear membrane is present   then its called as nucleus. But whe nuclear membrane isnt present as in the prokaryotes then its called as nucleiod.
  • the second steric which also highlighted in yellow shows that S mean in ribsome is swedberg unit which shows size

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