Mnemonic for Fetal erythropoisis

Erythropoiesis in fetal life 

Erythropoiesis in fetal life occurs in the following organs 

  • In the first few weeks or 19 days of gestation, it occurs in the yolk sac
  • From 6 weeks to  6-7 months of fetal life it occurs in the liver and spleen which are the major sites and continue until the birth of the fetus upto 2 weeks.
  • Though the bone marrow is the most important site from 6-7 months of fetal life

now mnemonic for erythropoiesis in fetal life

Young            here the Y shows the yolk sac
Liver              here the L shows liver
Synthesizes    here S shows spleen
Blood             here B shows bone marrow

that's all! have happy learning and do comment if you have the best mnemonics to help others 

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