how ramadan is medically important ?

medical importance of ramadan

 Ramadan is a blessed month for Muslims where Muslims do a lot of ibadah and in Ramadan almighty, ALLAH rewards the ibadah in Ramadan much folds than we do ibadah in other months, in fact, a Hadees Qudsi in which ALLAH (SWT) said; “Allah said, 'All the deeds of Adam’s sons (people) are for them, except fasting which is for Me, and I will give the reward for it.’  (SAHIH ALBUKHARI-1904)

now Ramadan isn't only the source of getting many rewards from Almighty ALLAH by doing ibadah but Ramadan Kareem is very much helpful for our health too which I will explain briefly one by one.

we can divide the beneficial role of Ramadan regarding health into three categories.

  • physical 
  • social &
  • psychological benefits.

physical impacts of fasting on the body;

if we talk about the first category so mainly fasting involves abstaining from food and sex from dawn till dusk/sunset, our stomach is the mean element of having maximum diseases that's why our beloved PROPHET (S.A.W) said mentioned in ibn e Maja volume No-4 Hadith number 3349.

" that there is nothing better than a son of adam can fill in the container with more evils than the stomach it is sufficient for a man to  be on his feet with a few muscles but if he has to eat more he can divide your stomach into three parts one third for the food, one third for the drink and one third for the air"

so what we realized is that maximum diseases originate in the stomach because it houses bacteria and the food that we eat it ended in the stomach from the stomach it gets digested in the intestinal tract and then these food nutrients enter into the bloodstream and then to the all organs of the body.

and we realize that stomach continuously working throughout life it never get rest but when we are on fast this very delicate organ and a complicated one too it get and the toxins which are there in the body they are get removed out, so fasting is very beneficial for the body it removes all the toxins from the body and helped in getting rid of various diseases.

 psychological impacts of fasting on the human psyche;

as for as the psychological side is concerned fasting helps in patience, forbearance/self-control, and helps the person to increase their self-control, self for what?  it helps in increasing the individual self-reflexivity and also the self-training and self disciplines improved.

but the main psychological impact of fasting increases patience and perseverance also it can motivate a person who says I can't do it, he will say yes I can do it by preventing himself from the food and having sex till sunset, it helps in conditioning the heart, body,  mind, and soul it improves the overall dimension of the human beings fasting is a sort of training it helps in even changing the behavior of the individual because changing of behavior isn't that easy as in normal we see peoples are addicted to some sought of bad behaviors, for example, smoking so fasting helps the person to quit those behaviors.

it can be said that the best of jihad is jihad binafs which is striving against your own soul so to change the habits which one can think are difficult is fasting can do.

that's why fasting was made obligatory before jihad after Prophethood in the 2nd hijry because if a person cant strive against his own body. his own soul, his own mind and heart then how can he strive and fight against the enemy. 

And this is what today's psychology says if you can control your hunger you can control almost all your desires.

social impacts;

fasting does have social impacts as it's the only month where people do ibadah without Riya and it makes the people think about the poor and doing charity and giving them food.

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