Quit masturbation very easily 100%

nowadays almost everyone youngster is involved in this bad and worst habit which are putting our young generation to not only health crisis but making them to a have weak mental health too which is indeed a matter of sorrow for us, first, let me tell you the disadvantages of doing masturbation then I will tell you how you can quit this habit and live a healthy life.

the dangerous drawbacks of masturbation:

➤  the first major problem relating to masturbation cause is sterility, which means it can make a male sterile unable to have kids when he marries because of low sperm motility and dead sperms too.

➤ The second is that it causes vision losses like the one who masturbates has vision problems if not now so it will be 100% in the future.

➤ Third is that he wouldn't feel better with his life mean having a not enough strong sexual life because of his tiredness and losing that power by using his genital organ a lot.

➤ It can also cause physical weakness, having weak muscles, bones, and body, and feeling tired after little work.

➤ Also, it can make an individual mentally weak by losing long-term especially short-term memory he is unable to have strong mental health as compared to others.

➤It can also cause prostate cancer

so these were the major problems which is caused by the masturbation.

How to quit it ?

Though this habit is very dangerous and cant be quit easily but it can be decreased and then slowly gradually you can quit it. there are some ways through which we can quit it easily slowly gradually 

➤By getting rid of all the triggers which are taking your mind to negativity about triggers I mean like nowadays for example if we saw a post, a picture, a video which is negative and makes you feel to take a that bad step so quit all those triggers I have just given you an example there are a lot of fo triggers which lead peoples to do masturbation 

➤If you are in such a relationship which is taking to you negativity too so please this is ting nowadays which si most common so quit that too

Make yourself busy all day in some good acts like if you are free then do drawings, write blogs , talk to your friends and many other positive things have walk round there in the park or with friends.

➤If you are Muslim then do zikar , pray five times prayrs ,zekar can make you quit of it I am giving you some wazaif in shaa ALLAH it will lead you to quit it these are; recite 100 times lahawla wala quota ilabillah every morning and evening time, 1000 times yaqudoso if not possible 1000 times at least do it 100 times and more astaghfar at least 100 times a day in shaa ALLAH you will quit it soon

Note;  all the above disadvantages are related to pornography too and those triggers can lead you to pornography too and ll the above methods can lead you to quit it.

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